Jigoro Kano was a Japanese educator and martial artist who would go on to become the founder of Judo, a system of martial arts rooted in Jujutsu. He helped Judo become the first Japanese martial art to gain widespread recognition through having it inducted as an official Olympic sport. In conjunction to his contributions through serving on the International Olympic Committee, Jigoro Kano also served as the director of education for the Ministry of Education in Japan. As director of education, he contributed to the successful effort to have Judo as well as Kendo become public education programs in the 1910s.

Mind Over Muscle: Writings from the Founder of Judo by Jigoro Kano
In 1882 Jigoro Kano (1860-1938) founded Kodokan Judo at Eishoji Temple in Tokyo. It was the culmination of a lifelong devotion to the jujutsu of the past, which he reorganized while taking great care to retain its classical traditions. Historically, martial arts were practiced only by the elite in Japan. Kano, a renowned educator as well as a sportsman, is credited with popularizing the martial arts, and in particular, judo, among people in all levels of society.

Kodokan Judo by Jigoro Kano
Judo, or the Way of Gentleness, an ideal form of physical exercise and a reliable system. of self-defense, was specially created from traditional Japanese martial arts. This book by the creator of Kodokan judo is uniquely comprehensive and the most authoritative guide to this martial art ever published.

Judo Memoirs of Jigoro Kano by Brian Watson
In his attempt to create for the modern age a non-violent, spiritually inspiring antagonistic art, he carried out research on several styles of jujutsu. Primarily in the interests of both safety and practicality, he altered and added his own devices to the techniques that he was later to incorporate into his newly conceived system of skills, which he named 'Kodokan judo' In lectures, Kano often stated the following: 'The ultimate object of studying judo is to train and cultivate body and mind through practice in attack and defense, and by thus mastering the essentials of the art, to attain perfection of oneself and bring benefits to the world'

Gichin Funakoshi studied the traditional Okinawan styles of martial arts including Shorei-Ryu and Shorin-Ryu, from which he helped further develop Karate into what we know it as today. This development of Karate built upon the framework left by his teacher, Anko Itosu, and hence they sometimes are known to share the title of “The Father of Modern Karate."
Funakoshi changed the kanji for “karate” to mean “empty hand” instead of the traditional “Chinese hand” in order to give it a unique Japanese identity and to separate it from traditional Chinese kempo, although still borrowed much from it. Both a poet and philosopher in conjunction to being a martial arts instructor and assistant teacher in the Okinawan school system, Gichin Funakoshi wrote many philosophical martial arts works that are still in circulation today

The Essence of Karate by Gichin Funakoshi
Gichin Funakoshi is a legendary figure and the founder of Shotokan karate, the most popular style of Japanese karate, with millions of practitioners worldwide. In The Essence of Karate, Funakoshi creates, in his own words, a narrative of modern karate. He explains the philosophical and spiritual underpinnings and includes memories of his own training, as well as recollections of other karate masters and the history of the martial art. He also discusses the importance of winning without fighting, and the reason why many great martial artists improve with age.

Karate-Do: My Way of Life by Gichin Funakoshi
Linking the time when karate was a strictly Okinawan art of self-defense shrouded in the deepest secrecy and the present day, when it has become a martial art practiced throughout the world, is Gichin Funakoshi, the "Father of Karate-do."
Out of modesty, he was reluctant to write this autobiography and did not do so until he was nearly ninety years of age.

A martial artist since his youth, Morihei Ueshiba served in the Japanese Army during the Russo-Japanese War. After being discharged from the army in 1907, Ueshiba went on to study Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu under Takeda Sokaku until 1919 whereupon he joined the Omoto-Kyo shinto sect in Ayabe and opened up his first dojo. From there he would go on to open numerous dojos throughout Japan and promote the martial art of his founding, Aikido, up until his death.

The Art of Peace by Morihei Ueshiba
New York Times Bestseller!
These inspirational teachings show that the real way of the warrior is based on compassion, wisdom, fearlessness, and love of nature. Drawn from the talks and writings of Morihei Ueshiba, founder of the popular Japanese martial art known as Aikido, The Art of Peace, presented here in a pocket-sized edition, offers a nonviolent way to victory and a convincing counterpoint to such classics as Musashi's Book of Five Rings and Sun Tzu's Art of War.

The Heart of Aikido: The Philosophy of Takemusu Aiki by Morihei Ueshiba
With its message of universal harmony, the martial art of Aikido is attracting an ever-expanding number of followers all around the world. There are now 1,600,000 Aikido practitioners in 90 different countries. The Heart of Aikido: The Philosophy of Takemasu Aiki focuses on the human values and promotion of peace that legendary founder Morihei Ueshiba believed were at Aikido’s core. Takemasu Aiki means, "the life-generating force capable of unlimited transformations," an idea that serves as the spiritual foundation on which Aikido rests.

The Secret Teachings of Aikido by Morihei Ueshiba
Aikido evolved from the rich martial traditions of Japan, and was developed by Morihei Ueshiba based on their profound philosophies. In this book, the author explains how Aikido is both the spirit of love and the study of that spirit. In unique and incisive language, Ueshiba discusses the arcane aspects of Aikido’s aims and techniques, as well as the central importance of breathing, ki (chi), and Aikido’s relationship to the spirit and body — these form the very essence of Aikido.

Mas Oyama gained renown fame throughout Japan and then world wide for his championship win in the Japanese Martial Arts Championships, successful completion of the 100 Man Kumite three times in a row in three days and his public exploits such as wrestling a bull to the ground and then chopping off its horn with his bare hands. Through consistent exploits of human achievement, Mas Oyama demonstrated the power of the human body that anyone could achieve through dedication and rigorous training. Through founding his full contact style of Kyokushin Karate, dojos soon spread around the world.