Mudansha (non-members) are karateka who are not members of our dojo, but still wish to take part in our martial arts events, seminars and trainings as well as access our gaku training without moving through our ranking system.
Yudansha (members) are dojo members and affiliate members who actively take part in regular training at our dojos and look to move up through the ranks in our programs.
Honbu (headquarters) is the primary head dojo run by an organizational head or lead instructor.
Kohai (junior students) are the general students at our dojos who are not yet ranked high enough to be an instructor.
Dai Sempai (senior students) are dojo members who have demonstrated a sound understanding of our dojo principles and have proven themselves physically through competition and Shugyo challenges. Sempai are not yet black belts who have earned the right to assist in class and open up affiliate adult only sparring clubs.
Sempai are junior black belts (under 18) who have demonstrated a sound understanding of our dojo principles and have proven themselves physically through competition and Shugyo challenges. As Sempai are under age, they are able to assist in class, however are not yet qualified to run their own club.
Sensei (teachers) are instructors up to 4th Dan and qualified to teach and open up their own dojos and clubs for both children and adults.
Shihan (masters) are martial artists who are 5th Dan and up to 7th Dan.
Hanshi (honorable master) is a title reserved for those who are 8th Dan or higher.
Kaicho (chairman) is a reserved title for the founder of an organization and its subsequent heads.
Bosatsu (honored person) is a revered title for martial artists who have achieved have furthered the advancement of martial arts or have made an exceptional name for themselves through competition. Usually bestowed posthumously.